British Columbia Railway
Squamish Subdivision

Objective: There were times when we did not have enough operators. Some of the crew members wanted a simpler system without all the TT&TO items. For these reasons Easyops was created.
Missing: Easyops is 90% TT&TO. There is no dispatcher, OSing, train registers or clearances.
Authority: We use the timetable and the clocks are running. Scheduled trains run according to the timetable and the clocks. Authority is by right, class and direction. Southward is the superior direction.
The superintendent will issue a verbal clearance so you know how many orders you have and if you can go.
Extra trains will get your orders, a verbal clearance and then must check the timetable to see if they can go.
Orders will be on the train clipboard or train card

Register: At Pemberton the Cheakamus way freight will get a verbal register check from the Superintendent.
At others places if crews are not sure ask the superintendent in person or by radio.
